Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ode to Porn

Porn is a land of wonderful surprises.
Nude or clothed, the thrills do not cease.
The beautiful angels descend.  

The men arise.
In the land of porn, the eyes never tire,
embracing the various worlds to behold.

From the swimming pool to the classroom,
we see the cherubs rise and fall
in a swirling fantasia.

Porn is wondrous, for it transports you
to green fields and scenes
for which you cannot fathom.

Porn comes from deep in the earth,
growing the stem of an artichoke.
We cut it into a sweet heart.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Art of Masturbation

The Art of Masturbation

The art and seriousness of masturbation need good treatment.
You can’t go about it lightly.
You can’t go about it willy-nilly.

If it is a man, it is your penis, we are talking about here.
It is a vital organ.   It is an instrument with precision.

In this procedure, we will use pornography.
It is charming, erotic, and really gets your vitals in check.

Now, the art of masturbation, usually, is done nude.
You can masturbate in your clothes, but you aren’t 13
any more, we hope.

Masturbation is a secret always to be kept.
Those who wield its name are frowned upon.
Keep it in your pants and save the art
for you and sometimes your partner.

In the porn you have selected, notice their acrobatics.
This is necessary for the fantasy, for it to come alive.

Once you have fully engrossed yourself,
even if it should be for five hours
of searching for the correct scene,
stroking yourself, hold your breath.

Notice your body quiver a little,
until pop goes the orgasm.

And once the juices from your loins have
spread to wherever they go--this is key--
Roll over and fall to sleep like a baby.